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Tue. Feb 4th, 2025
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In this article, I will elucidate on the role of angels in the life of believers. There are some misconceptions or lack of understanding in the church about the status and role of angels in the life of a believer.

Some have taught that angels are superior to man, and that they only receive instructions from God. In buttressing their argument, they use Psalm 8:4-6, which reads, “ What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?  For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honourThou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:”

But actually, the word translated angel here is “Elohim,” the same word used to describe God in Genesis 1:1…”In the beginning (“Elohim”) God created the heavens and the earth. “And Elohim is plural, signifying God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

 Remember, in Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

 In the text above, we see Moses, the writer of the book of Genesis, using plural personal pronouns “us” to describe “Elohim”…”And God (Elohim) said, Let us make man” thus alluding to God as Triune.

 The writer of Psalm is saying that man was made little lower than God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. At creation, in terms of hierarchy, man is next after Elohim.  The angels, Arch angel Michael and Gabriel inclusive and the fallen angels, such as Lucifer were subordinate to man. 

God created man is his own image and likeness to be his companion and eternal associate. He gave him dominion or complete or total authority over all the works of his hands, and gave him an instruction not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or else he will die. Note that death here is not talking about physical death or cessation of life, but estrangement from the life of God.

 But Adam committed high treason; he wilfully disobeyed God and turned around to blame God for his action, saying, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.” (Gen 3:12)

 1st Tim 2:14 says: “… and Adam was not deceived”.

 By this singular act Adam became estranged from the life of God and transferred his ‘Adamic’ Authority to the adversary, the devil. Satan became the master of man.

 This was why Arch angel Micheal showed respect to Lucifer when disputing for the body of Moses. Lucifer had acquired the ‘Adamic’ authority and was higher than Arch angel Michael, thus could not bring up railing accusation against him, but said the Lord rebuke you.

 Jude 1:9: “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

 Only God was higher than Lucifer, so it was only Him that could rebuke Luifer. Hence Arch Angel Michael said, “The Lord rebuke you.” But Jesus who  was delivered   by the predetermined counsel of God, gave himself as ransom for all, died and  went to hell for three days and three night.

 In hell, He whopped the devil and his regiment; He stripped Satan of his authority. “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” (Col 2:15)

 Marginal rendering paints a more graphic picture: “Having put off from himself the principalities and powers”. Thus, showing that the demonic host tried to hold Jesus down.

 There was a serious  combat in hell, Paul labelled God`s act in raising Jesus from the dead as “the action of the immensity or hugeness of his power.” (Eph 1:19) Now, God raised Jesus from the dead and set him at his own right hand in Majesty. Higher than all Principalities, Rulers, Powers, and Dominions, and higher than every name that is named, not only in this universe, but also in the one that is coming. (Eph1:21)

 Right hand signifies a place of authority, a place of honour. However, Jesus was not raised alone, neither was he seated alone; Jesus died as our substitute.… And has raised us (believers) up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.(Eph 2:6).

 The believing ones are seated with Christ at the right hand of the father, far above Lucifer and his cohort. Hallelujah!!!

 Of angels he said, “Therefore angels are only servant-spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation (Heb 1:14). The King James Version, rendering, says “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation”?

To minister means to serve. Angels are servant–spirits, meant to serve the believing ones, and someone who serves you cannot be superior to you. Hallelujah!!! Ministering spirits are to minister for us (believing ones, heirs of salvation, members of God’s family).

Note it did not say that are to minister to us, but for us, which infers that they are to serve us; do our bidding; get our request.

When you go to a restaurant, and sit down, the waiter or waitress comes to wait on you, to serve that table, to minister to you. You turn your order in, and he/she goes to get it. Turn your orders to your angels, they are waiting to minister to you or serve you!!!

By Emmanuel Emeke Asiwe


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