I `ll like to commence today`s message by wishing all the father`s happy father`s day. The word “father” is used many times as an originator or as a source of something. However, Psalm 127:3 says,”… Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”
Heritage is another word for property, gift or blessing. So God is the giver of children, they are his reward. A synonym for reward is wages.The reward for your forty hours work week is your paycheck or wages.Children is God`s paycheck for you.
The giver of a gift is the source of that gift; it is his property that he willingly surrendered to you without you working for it. right? God is the source of your children, they are his gift or blessing to you.
And you know what? God does not change.He only gives good and perfect gifts: “…Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”(James 1:17)
The mindset people hold is that they are the source of their children, but all we truly are custodians or stewards of God’s property, His gift or blessing.
A steward is someone who manages or look after another’s property; meaning your job description as fathers is to look after God’s property.
You train, educate and nurture them (God`s property) in the ways and admonition of the Lord and when they grow up they will not depart from it….Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
Training involves instruction, correction and discipline; the trainee(children) will make mistakes in the course of the training. When they make mistakes the tendency is for you to be worried.
You worry because you see yourself as the source of your children.
You cry, my child, my child. Oh my child!!!
Sometime you pray, but the worry persists, because at such times most of your prayers are nothing more than mere compliants. However, the right attitude is to see God as the source, cast or transfer your worries by faith to the Lord, the one who made you steward over those children. Trust him to fix his property and help his property over come the mistake. While you continue your job of training.
You see, worrying perpetuate the enemy’s s agenda for your life. It connects you to the tragedy you worry about.
Meditation is the creative ability God has blessed you with, worry is negative meditation, it is a misuse of this creative ability. It is enemy’s tool against you. Worry is your thoughts working against you.
Job was a man God had made steward over ten children, but he allowed his thought to work against him.
Job was a rich man who had ten children, seven boys and three girls. He was righteous in the sight of God and always tried to please God.
However, he allowed Satan gain access to his family; Job was constantly worried that his children would sin against God and cause something bad to happen to them.
As a remedy, he continually offered sacrifice on their behalf. But, the problem was that these sacrifices were motivated or driven by fear, which is a form of worry.
Consequently, his worries connected him to the tragedy he worried about, the enemy’s agenda for his life came to fruition, he lost all his children and goods. “… For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, and that of which I am afraid befalls me.” (Job 3:25)
If you are under the sound of my voice and you constantly engage in negative meditation, if your actions are worry based, you need to repent and transfer your worries by faith to God. Trust him take care of his property, your child.
However, if you are still in doubt, then take a look at yourself, see where He brought you from and what He brought you through.The simply fact you turned you turned out alright, also means your child will also turn out alright. He who has began the work is able to finish it, If he did it before, he will do it again!
Emmanuel Emeke Asiwe, Snr Pastor, Joint Heirs International ,441 Cresecent, Brockton MA 02302 ;Phone: 508-510-5540: Email: info@jointheirsint.org
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