The latest ranting by Governor Theodore Orji’s aides in the media is dishonorable. They have thrown decorum to the dust bin just as their principal has thrown a gemstone such as the position of a governor away and chose to be a gainsayer. In a leap to pull themselves out of my position in the article titled, “Abia: From God’s Own State To Goons’ Own State” they have been publishing one vacuum article with different names and titles. They said that my article was incoherent and lacked editorial touch, a position that showed that the aides wanted to tell the world that they knew it all more than the ever capable editors that vetted the article and my other titles and found them worthy of gracing the pages of their newspapers. This one apart!
It is shameful to bring into line my precious words with these people that posterity may find it very hard to forgive. I am not the only person who is ashamed; many Nigerians are mortified to arrange in a line with Abia State. Who do not know that the blameworthy activities of Orji are responsible for their action? Orji’s aides were writing about Utopia development of the Governor Orji administration, yet one meticulous inquiry on the people’s lips is why no sole consequential developmental activities in Abia State. The aides would always give excuse with the sharing formula of the Federal Government.
One good thing that the Orjis in the Abia State Government would have done was to work in the state just the same frequency they were bent on lavishing Abia people’s money on unnecessary media campaign of the things we knew that were not true they wanted to sell to the public. These aides want the world to believe that it was our people who wronged Orji, while he has done nothing against the people. We know the school of politics of these Orjis – propagandize. And when I tell them this, you read them in different blogs they create to tarnish the image of critics of the government calling me a blackmailer, rapist, extortionist, kidnapper and sundry hoping that people will buy their distractions, but people knew who are the original blackmailer, rapist extortionist, kidnapper of good governance in the once God’s Own State now turned Goon’s Own State.
It is obvious that Governor Orji has turned opposition to the positive wishes of Ndi-Abia and at the same time would be shouting about being opposed by a personality in the state, a tactic he has devised knowing full well that his tenure is closing stages soon. Tell Orji that the roads in Aba are in serious bad shape, you become the enemy of the Orjis in the Abia State Government. He will not put the roads in order? Don’t worry, the rains will soon start and the residents of Aba will begin to cry again. By then, the much touted sixteen roads the Orjis said that they were building in Aba would be a matter of questioning.
Governor Orji cannot bury his propaganda mercenaries and move Abia State forward? They are good at avoiding the good business of governance, but perfect in shifting blames for their woes. Is it not an embarrassment to have a governor like Orji and his retinue of aides in Abia State, who are always in the media, but in the wrong direction, like pupils directed by their master to be commenting in the newspapers so as to see who comes first? The Orjis in the Abia State Government knew that posterity may find it very hard to forgive Gov. Orji, so they bent on dragging people’s names into the mud and calling them enemies, when the Orjis are their own enemies.
It is primeval rearwardness at its unsurpassed state in Abia State. Orji is using his uncouth aides to insult and malign personalities from and outside Abia State who have contrary views to his primordial patterned government, which has bred abysmal performances that have offered Abia State meaningless features. Orji is wasting Abia people’s money for this reason.
When the aides write in their mischievous blogs with pseudonyms calling me all sorts of names even a betrayer, I wonder if they do not know that Gov. Orji is a chief betrayer. We all knew what he did to his political mentor. Orji freshly said that he has searched his conscience and could not find anywhere he has wronged his political master, and this shows that he has none. No one is ready to sympathize with Orji for his self-inflicted failures in governance or listen to his excuses where there should have been none.
The latest is that Orji is even rejected in his Umuahia hometown. His people are forming alliance with other towns in the state to make sure that his none-performance is exposed. And his aides are secretly writing to some of the Umuahia people begging them not to abandon their brother. These righteous people from Umuahia are rather bluffing the Orjis, telling them that they are interested on daring commitments to a better Abia State, and would not be part of a man that posterity may find it very difficult to forgive.
Odimegwu Onwumere wrote in from Aba, Abia State. Email: