Leaders in any community are those who direct the ship of the society in the right path. Leaders could come inform of an elected officials representing the society in a political set-up or socio-cultural Leaders representing the society in a social gathering. Irrespective of the class of the Leader, they perform peculiar roles that is, to advance and protect the interest of the society.
As the saying goes, development would derail the society when the person saddled with the post of responsibility is far away from the people. The Leader must be closer to the people to know the feeling of the masses. Thus, having the Interest of the people in mind is what normally prompts those occupying leadership positions to do something for their people. If the interest is lacking, the society is doom, there will be no development and no doubt about that.
As a public affairs commentator and one who has been following political events in Kogi State, i have a very good suggestion which i want to advance to the people of Kogi Central and Kogi West on their call for power shift.
I know how an average people in these areas have been feeling in having one of their men in power. As the call for power shift lingers, they need to be careful and think twice on their choice of candidate for Kogi Governor. I am saying this because the people of Kogi State have long suffered in terms of development and they must not go on the altar of power shift to elect mediocre as Kogi Governor comes 2016.
They must not make the mistake of supporting or voting person who has no value to the society as Kogi helmsman. Whether the next Governor comes from the Kogi West, East or Central, what should be paramount in our mind is one who knows the feeling of the people and ready to sympathise with them in terms of their needs.
The caution becomes necessary as that would make the people avoid the risk of electing inhumane person as Kogi Governor. When you have inhumane person as Governor, he shows non-challant attitude to societal development but derive joy in diverting public fund to his private pocket, owed workers months of unpaid salaries and only to come to media to deny owing anyone at all. This attitude is not in any way different to ritual killing.
As Aspirant for Kogi Gubernatorial election starts campaign, let me reiterate further that we should not be carried away by their cosmetic promises on media on how they shall turn Kogi State to another Dubai in Nigeria if given the opportunity to serve the people.
I want to make it clear that what the people of Kogi State need is one who truly has the interest of the masses at heart not minding whether the Aspirant has millions of Naira to dose out or not. We can know each Aspirant better by digging deep into their social life or antecedent in the time past. Thus, we should not be moved by the rithoric promises of some Aspirants in media to provide bread and butter if given the opportunity to serve. Giving analysis on how they shall provide that bread and bread at this time that the State is facing huge debt due to backlog of unpaid bank loan is what such Aspirants have not explained till date. The antecedent of the Aspirants matter as that would give us clue on the persons and also vouch for them on their ability to deliver on their promises if given the mandate.
I want to conclude by saying that Kogi people need humble and mass oriented person as Kogi Governor and not one who would close gate to his electorates or switch off his phone to the people if given the opportunity to serve.
I am sounding this warning because governance is not a business but a call for a selfless service to the community. Kogi Youth should take to my advice and avoid giving support to Guber Aspirant just because he is presently throwing millions of naira to people around. Well, if they do; they might end up voting person which the society would regret off tomorrow.
Shaibu Stephen Ojate is a Journalist and public affairs commentator writes from Abuja.