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Sat. Feb 1st, 2025
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Jesus said to Martha, “…You are worried and troubled about many thing…”(Luke 10 :41) Many Christians think it is natural to worry. When they are faced with situations and you tell them not to worry, they feel that you don’t identify with their problem because if you did, you would be worried too.

However, when you realize what worry means and does to a person you will understand why Jesus, Apostle Paul  and Peter commanded us not to worry and gave us an antidote or cure to worry.

Philippians 4:6 says,”…Be careful for nothing…” in today`s English when the word careful is used it means cautious, however,400 years ago, when the King James Version was translated, it meant to be full of cares or anxiety or worry.

It is derived from the Greek word “merimnaō” pronounced (“mer-im-nah’-o). It originates from the word merimna, which signifies the dividing and fracturing a person’s being into parts.

“To go to pieces” or fall apart because you are being pulled apart or in different directions. It means to be divided; distracted by having your thoughts occupied with or expend your thoughts on.

Thus, worry is you thinking about or expending your thought on the situation. This is tantamount to negative meditation. In other words worry is expending your thought on something negative or evil.

 The holy scriptures inform us that habitual meditation is the prerequisite to success.

After death of Moses, God commissioned Joshua, gave him responsibilities and told him that the only way he will be able to accomplish his objectives is to meditate on the word of God “…. If you meditate on my words day and night… You will make your way prosperous and you will have good success.(Joshua 1:8)

 Also, David through out the course of his life had legitimate reasons to worry. He spent most of his life on the run from King Saul and his  family  members who wanted him dead.

However, instead of worrying he  gave us an insight into the secret of his success, saying “…. Blessed is the man…. Whose delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night…everything he does shall prosper…” (Psalms 1:1,3)

 Anything you do habitually, is something you do regularly or constantly, David said anyone who habitually meditate on the word of God will prosper in everything he does.

Conversely, negative meditation or worry is the sure path to failure. It will make you prosper in the things of the devil.

You see, the   principle of meditation is, whatever you meditate on will dwell in your heart and those dominant thoughts will eventually become the realities of your life.In other words “What you meditate on creates the world you live in.”

Physicians say that persons who worry regularly could come down with heart problem, blood pressure problem and mental problem. They also say worry can lead to phobia, which is a form of fear.

In everyday life, worry slows down your productivity and efficiency. It can cause  you lose your livelihood, you are unable to function effectively when you are burdened by anxieties.

 Worry is not only a sin, it is unproductive, it can never change the circumstances you face in life…. Can worry make you live longer? (Mathew 6:27)

But you say Pastor Emmanuel, how can worry be a sin?… “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.”(Romans 14 :23)

You see, Faith comes by meditating on God`s word. Worry is meditating on negative things, the problems or the words of the devil.

Worry is an enemy’s tool against you to steal the word of God from you and make the promises of God ineffective in your life.

Remember the parable of the sower? Jesus called worry thorns or weeds “… The ground covered with thistles(weeds) represents a man who hears the message, but the cares of this life and his longing for money choke out God’s Word, and he does less and less for God.(Mathew 13:22)

You must understand that you have an adversary, his scheme is to use worry to distract you from the word and get you to dwell on negative thoughts that exalt itself against the knowledge of God.

Worry takes the pleasure out of living because it takes away today’s peace but does not take away today’s problem. Instead, it makes today’s problem become your tomorrow’s reality.

Worry is the highway that leads from somewhere to nowhere. If you have been traveling on it, you need to stop immediately  and make a U-turn. But you say Pastor Emmanuel, how do i stop worrying?

To learn more, you can call or write to order my teachings on Worry- Free Living.

Pastor Emmanuel Emeke Asiwe, Joint Heirs International, #441 Cresecent, Brockton MA 02302 :Worship Hours: Sunday 10a.m, Wednesday 7p.m, Saturday 6a.m : Phone: 508-510-5540: Email: info@jointheirsint.org







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