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Sat. Feb 1st, 2025
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1 John 5:4-5…  «  For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? »

Nikaō” is the Greek word translated “overcometh”, it means to conquer, overcome, vanquish or subdue.

So if you are born again, you have overcome the world and the victory that overcomes the world is the faith, which was apportioned to you by God.

However, many Christian, who have overcome the world are still living like they are have been overcome by the world. They allow every fiery dart of the enemy free access to their lives. But this ought not be.

Before you became born again, you were under the domain and dominion of the God of this world, but now that you are saved and have made Jesus your Lord, you have overcome or subdued this world and its ruler. Now the greater one lives in you.

You see, when God finished creating the world, he put man in charge… “Thou [God] madest him [man] to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet.”– Psalm 8:6

But when Adam committed High treason, he transferred his Adamic authority to Satan. This is the reason Satan could go before the presence of God to accuse Job. You might say, does this mean Satan can still get into the presence of God and accuse me like he did to Job? Certainly not. Jesus stripped him of all authority and handed it to you. 

Someone once asked me why did God not just wring the devil`s neck and take back the authority? After all he is sovereign.

You see, that would make God unjust. God put man in charge and man gave up his authority. it would amount to injustice for God take it back  for man.

However, before I continue, I like to shed some light on the “sovereignty of God”, what it is and what it is not.

A lot of Christians take sovereignty of God to mean God can do what he wants whenever he wants, meaning God controls everything. Nothing can happen but what God wills, allows or approves. The issue with this view of sovereignty is it absolves man of all responsibility and on the long run, slanders God, hinders our trust in God and leads to lukewarmness. After all, you do not want to serve a God that allows accidents to come your way or allows a child to die at birth.  This is the most horrible doctrine in the church, today.

 Because of this belief system many Christians have failed to develop their faith. They aver  “Que sera, sera, what will be will be. The future is not ours to see”  Que sera sera. » God will heal me when he wants, He will make me prosper when He want to. Meanwhile Jesus’ atoning sacrifice that provided salvation also took care of your health and wealth.

The word rendered “Sovereign” in many Bible translation is God`s Hebrew name “Adonai” which is rendered “Lord” in King James version. It stresses man’s reference to God as master, authority and provider.It signifies the one to whom you submit or bow down, the Boss of your life. Adonai is the final authority figure in your life and the One to whom you owe your complete loyalty. It does not mean that God does what he wants whenever he wants.

You became born again by confessing “Jesus as Lord,” which infers that you belong to him or He as become your owner. right? But, do you know He cannot do anything in your life, if don’t allow him?

Now back to our message, Justice had ruled that man must pay for his sins, in other words, since man committed the crime, man would have to pay for the crime or since man did the crime man must do the time.

The first man Adam did the crime and relinquished his authority, but the last man (Jesus) paid for the crime, He didn’t just do that, He also took back the authority and faith in the finished works of the last Adam is what will put you through in life. To be continued !!!

To learn more, you can call or write to order my teachings.

Pastor Emmanuel Emeke Asiwe, Joint Heirs International, #441 Cresecent, Brockton MA 02302 :Worship Hours: Sunday 10a.m, Wednesday 7p.m, Saturday 6a.m : Phone: 508-510-5540: Email: info@jointheirsint.org

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