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Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
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The great puzzle before the anioma nation today, is if there are ready to trade their sure success with their sick ambition. It was Dwight Eisenhower  that said “There are no victories at bargain prices.” Queen Mary wrote that “ A good captain must think ahead.” But the anioma nation seems to be pursuing themselves out of relevance. Nothing to applaud in the too many ambition of the anioma people. This was why  Kofi Annan Once  Said “ Applaud us when we prevail, correct us when we fail, above all, do not let this indispensable, irreplaceable institution wither, or perish as a result of indifference’. This episode therefore, is to correct the current trend of attack withing the anioma househood. More than ever before in human history, the anioma people share a common destiny. But this common destiny can only bind us together when we lay down our political ambition for the overall benefit of our people. This was why Abraham Lincoln said “ Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing”. Anioma nation, Delta north must resolve to accept the outcome of the governorship primaries so long as the winner is from Delta North. There is also the need for all the Delta North aspirant  to come together and identify their common enemy that there must revolt against collectively. The internal battle of self condemnation with the Delta North aspirant leave more to be desired.  It was Shakespeare who said “ The fault is not with our stars, but in ourselves.” Hindi Proverb put it that “He who cannot dance put the blame on the floor.”

As we stand on the threshold of the new dispensation, we must be ready to predict our own future and the best way to predict our future is to create them.  Chance favors the prepared mind. But the anioma nation seems to be in a political illusion of the current political process. The greatest political history that the Jonathan’s administration can Make, is to produce a female  governor. And now that the situation is tense in Delta,  a female governor will help to settle the issue of   power tussle  withing the male folk. Those who have vow to resist gender equality in the nation are like the whistle blower who always blow to risk disgrace if not something worst. The collective fight of anioma should not be on gender but a state that will be a standard bearer for the rest of the state in our nation. It is ok for Delta North to agitate for their turn but it is also time for all the Delta North governorship  aspirant to invite themselves for a meeting and determine their own future before the primary. Struggle is good. Without  struggle no progress. Those who profess to favour freedom, and depreciate agitation, are like men who want crop without ploughing the ground. The Delta North aspirant have made their mark by the level of awareness created for their agitation. But now, we have grown beyond agitation. This is the time for the harmonization of interest withing the Delta North aspirant.

Bill Newman wrote that, “For Want of a nail the hammer was lost. For want of a hammer, the horse was drown. For want of a horse, the rider died all for want of a nail”. The language of democracy  is the language of proper process. Anioma  aspirant should team up together and project a female aspirant as their consensus. Dr Ngozi Olejeme has always uphold the principle of participatory democracy that lay emphasis on the welfare of people, the principle of social justice, and the equality of opportunities  for all citizens, the principle that promote  the anioma course at all level including those at the lower rungs of life. The principle of public accountability in order to restore confidence in the institutions of government , discipline and leadership by example as a basis for public life and personal integrity, as an important moral value in the conduct of public affairs as one holding power in trust for people.  Dr Olejeme is one aspirant among others who preach what she spearhead. We must not say one thing and do another. Democracy cannot survive if the practitioners fail to play by the rules. We must strive to salvage our democracy through unity of purpose. We must come together according to Abraham Lincoln and resolve to perform what we ought and perform without fail, what we resolved.  The  Choice  of Dr Ngozi Olejeme as the anioma consensus is the way out in the sruggle for  Delta North to pilot the soul of Delta State in 2015. Delta North is drunk with the success of winning the governorship election but bedeviled by too many ambition chasing after one seat.

Herbert Prochnow said “ There is a time when we must firmly choose the course we will follow or the relentless drift of event will make the decision for us.

We are in tension soaked times. Every aspirant  must take out time to reflect on the thinking of Reverend Jesse Jackson when he said “ Our democracy should be monarchy where every Nigerian is a crown prince”.  We must lay aside politic of destroying one another. Before this period of  governorship election, we were brothers and  sisters and  after the governorship election, we will remain one large family. Those political merchant in the state who specializes in opposing others should go and improve on their marketing strategies. This is not time for selling political words of doom and destruction but a period to fashion out ways to market the various potential of Delta state to the outside world in other to achieve our Delta without oil initiative. A silent revolution is brewing in the womb of time and Dr Ngozi Olejeme is the expected revolution that is about to break forth in 2015.  A political miracle is sure to take place in our great state.  Deltans are waiting and ready to  experience the administration of the first female governor in Nigeria.


The strength of our  decisions is determine by the courage to render them. We may not be far from the truth to say that, Dr Ngozi Olejeme is the most courageous aspirant in Delta State due to her ability to stand as the only Female Governorship aspirant in the midst of thousand men. We therefore need know further evidence to show that she is an idea whose time has come.                   


The predictions of the 2015 general election by the general public  does not portray the future we are breeding  for this nation.  Our thought  structure  and  actions are not in line with our expectations.  What we expect in life is what happen.  Change can come when  we collectively  will it to happen.  The wind of change that is blowing across the world  today calls for civilized government and respect for fundamental right of humanity.  In order part of the world women are given their right of place but in Nigeria we are still lipping between two opinion.  A bewildering situation in Nigeria where the men see themselves  as the main players in politics. This is a missile attack against  the Nigerian women and the time to break out is now. President  Goodluck  Jonathan  has history to make ahead of him in 2015 either to cripple the Nigerian Women political future or to produce the first sets of Female Governors in Nigeria. The current crusade by the wife of president  Goodluck  Jonathan on the need for gender balance is the first of its kind in this Nation. Nigerians pray that Dame Patient Jonathan  sustain  the good work of projecting  the female folks for equality.  The Nigerian women should join force and use every diplomatic  tools in achieving  this mission.  Great emotions must be put  forward. Women should approach their husbands as their delegate to make it happen. Breakthrough can come from an unlikely source. People are just people we are all the same. Friendship first competition second.


Today, president Goodluck Jonathan has vow to break the jinx that has stood as a clog in the will of progress of women in becoming a governor in Nigeria and Dr Ngozi Olejeme is the ready Vessel  for this presidential adventure with Delta State.  In his words president Goodluck Jonathan has once said   ‘If  you want to do the work give it to a man but if you want the work done give it to a woman.’ Today Deltans don’t want to do the work. We want the work done.  Dr Olejeme has introduce Several reform in Nigeria. By the on going Employee Compensation Scheme, Nigerians both in the private and public sector can now benefit from the scheme by providing safety net for workers in case of work place accident. Now like never before, social security scheme will soon commence in Nigeria. Dr Ngozi Olejeme who is the brain behind the  Bill has assure Nigerians that Jonathans administration is determine to tourch the lives of every individual by monthly payment of salaries to the unemployed graduate in Nigeria, the elderly, the disables as well as the widows all over the nation. These were the major effort of Olejeme in NSITF.  All these have never happen since  the history of Nigeria . The Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) was like a consultation room when Dr Ngozi Olejeme took over the affairs of the office but today the  edifice at Abuja is now wearing a new look  with branches all over the Nation as a testimony to show that Deltans will never be disappointed when this same result oriented woman will emerge as the next governor of Delta State in 2015.  


Benjamin Atu is a Journalist and public affairs analyst based in Delta.





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