The fate of millions of hungry looking, mal-nourished and oppressed Imolites will be decided soon as Imo prepares to go to the poll in 2015. It is clear that for Imo to be better again we must kick out the fat-cat Governor of Imo State Chief Rochas Okorocha in 2015. Okorocha has grown fat and sleek by preying on the hardship he imposed on the masses. In an immoral manner, this wicked, godless, notorious and dangerous fat-cat has looted Imo treasury dry and arrogantly displays the loot on AIT and Channels TV before the eyes of the very people he has stolen from.
This fat-cat, who sometime ago was owing banks in Nigeria here and there has overnight mutated to become stinking rich and stands before the very people he has skinned to become affluent and boast of his prosperity. He and his thieving cabals even have the guts to call us never do wells and tell us that we were born to be “hewers of wood and carriers of water” and that it is criminal for us Imo youths to aspire to get a civil service job in Imo. After sacking 10,000 Imo civil servants he turned round to offer Imo youths casual labour. Casual labour is it not a crime against humanity?
This governor connived with Joseph Dino of Jpros Limited and stole Imo tax payers N1.3 billion naira. He also connived with Joss Marinlopez-pepe and stole Imo tax payers N3.5 billion. Look at his puffy cheek; look at his thick neck and disgorging stomach. That is our 132 billion naira LGA funds and our 16 billion naira ISOPADEC monies that he has swallowed. He claimed to be building twenty seven (27) general Hospitals.The cost of the Hospitals is put at 20 Billion naira. He claims to be constructing 15 Kilometres of road in the 27 L.G.A’s, the contract fees paid to contractors without job being done. He has destroyed our LGA’s, destroyed our town unions and made our youths jobless.
Yes, Imo has been suffering in the hands of this wicked, clueless, visionless, godless, unprincipled, callous and diabolical demagogue. This “virtue miss road” have a hidden agenda of imposing perpetual hardship on the Imo masses in order to reduce them to a position of servitude so that he might once more have the opportunity to dictate to us on the type of life we should live, thereby ridicule us and the rest of Imo. That is why he recently boasted that APC will rule Imo for 20 years.
This Governor sold Government owned companies to himself via his brothers and relatives in the guise of lease such as ITC ,Adapalm, Concorde and Imo Municipal transport company. He used his son in-law Uche Nwosu, the commissioner for Lands to acquire peoples land in the guise of development. He sold 90% of Government vehicles to his business partners in the North there by making Government appointees to use their private cars to do Government job. He has put Imolites into bondage by secretly borrowing billions of naira from banks in Nigeria and abroad.
Okorocha has grown so desperate that he can kill to come back to power in 2015. He is now going after all those that are telling him to stop looting Imo . He wants to crush them all. He has found out that the heavy inducement he doles out to newspapers and television to advertise fake projects is yielding dwindling results so he is terribly mad with those who are exposing his lies and impunity. His desperation is getting deadly by the day. He is going about threatening, brutalizing and persecuting his opponents and all those that disapprove of his tenure.
So many persons have expressed fears on some threatening messages they have received. The latest report is that of his former Aide and popular entertainer Mr Uche Ogbuagu who reported threats to his life and that of his family members. He said he received threat phone calls from Aides to governor Okorocha. His callers told him to drop his intention of releasing his new album that is against Okorocha or face the music. Ogbuagu insisted that the governor should be held responsible if anything happens to him or any member of his family.
For me , I have been insistent and trenchant in accusing Okorocha of stealing Imo monies and no coherent response has been forthcoming from his camp. Instead, Okorocha is plotting on visiting raw anger on me. He has been looking for me to put me in jail. He put Activist Iwuoha and his wife in jail since June 2014 to prevent him from exposing some documents against his government in this electioneering periods, documents showing how they looted our monies. He knows I have the same documents so he wants me in jail like Samuelson Iwuoha. He wants to frame me up as he did to Samuelson. Even Vigilante members in my community have been instructed to report me to the nearest police station once they see me. Professor Nathan Uzoma Protus spoke against him and assassins visited him.
Yes, Okorocha , like the pigs in “Animal Farm” has joined the club of “Consumers” who feed fat on the toil and sweat of the producers. He is sitting on top of Mount Olympus with his fellow oppressors to arrogantly look Imolites to the face and tell them to go to hell. But Imolites will soon prove to them that If you buy suya, you must be given pepper.
Because he suddenly found himself in power, he allowed himself to be eaten up by power. He deemed Imo state treasury as free fund to loot, buy and bribe newspaper houses , editors and TV stations to write and broadcast flattering reports about himself. He deemed himself as the best thing that had happened to Imo State and urged the hordes of sycophants he recruited into his government to sing his praises. For close to four years now he has being on sponsoring spree; sponsoring awards, sponsoring lectures, sponsoring public shows and sponsoring articles and features that were all devoted to celebrating himself, telling us lies upon lies while he and his cronies made a huge feast of the resources of Imo State.
This thieving governor awarded warehouse to Aba road contract to Jpros through Chief Okey Nwosu his brother in-law, at whopping sum of N1.3 billion for a road that is less than 3km and the N1.3 paid full in advance, which led to the blackmail and subsequent impeachment of Jude Agbaso. This thief stole our N400 million flood money. He squandered 45 billion naira loan he secured from Zenith Bank with the allocation of the 27 local government of Imo as collateral. He sold IROMA trucks and equipment to himself. The trucks are valued at 12.5 Billion naira. He claimed to have spent 4billion naira on school Uniforms, Sandals and Canvas to students, whereas only few schools and students in urban area benefited from it. For more than three years now his fake free education programme has been running in AIT and Channels TV. Free education of which 80% admission in IMSU is given to non-indigenes while 20% to Imo students. Primary 1 to Jss 3 education is funded by the Federal Government while the billions claimed to be spent on free education is a scam. Please google 114 reasons why Rochas Okorocha must go to read more.
There is only one option for Imolites if we want to regain control of our sanity and leave a brighter future for our children and generation yet unborn. The option is to kick Rochas out. We have long passed the era of negotiation. We have reached the point of no return. Reasoning with the APC Government led by “danger boy Okorocha who is riding a bicycle without brakes down a slope” has never worked and will never work now. The APC under Okorocha has never kept a single of all the agreements it has entered into with numerous stakeholders. In short, the APC has no focus and credibility. Imolites cannot become blind and continue to be led by a Bartimaeus. We do not know where we will head to if Bartimaeus wins again in 2015. Only Heaven knows. Even our Bartimaeus of a leader, surrounded by quacks, liars, rapists and traitors does not know his destination in 2015. But this blind journey whose beginning in 2011 was based on deceit must stop in May 2015. We say NO to this government of thieves.
-Kenneth Uwadi, Mmahu-Egbema,Imo State, Nigeria